Postmarked August 1, 1918, Camp Dodge, Iowa

Wednesday Eve. Nine Fifteen
Dear Folks:
I have rather been lax in my letters to you this week but have been so busy every minute almost that I took but a few of them and wrote to Deva and fully intended to write to you also.

We are leaving Saturday for the East I think. We are fairly certain of going at that time and there is rather a well defined opinion that we are leaving Friday of this week. Anyway, we are all ready to go and I am glad to be on the move although it means that I am getting a few miles away from home. But it is all in a lifetime and all the men here are anxious to get out and away.

We will probably be at the point of embarkation for a few weeks as we will have equipment to draw there and to wait on transportation. Now I will use every opportunity to keep in touch with you and to let you know where I am but if you fail to hear from me for even two weeks do not worry a moment and rest assured that I am all right but have not had the opportunity or chance to write. I won't get any mail from you I suppose until I can give you my address but you might send your letters to my address here at Camp Dodge until you hear from me giving you my address as they will be forwarded to me undoubtedly.

You need not worry a minute over me. My physical condition is excellent and I am not in any danger here and very little across as far as I can learn. We will have a very pleasant trip across and I hope we are in England for a few weeks or months and that I have an opportunity to get out.

Tomorrow I am going to make an allotment of most of my pay and you can apply it on my note at the bank. It may be late in reaching you the first month it is to come but it will get there all right and will come every month. I think it will amount to about twenty five dollars a month as we get only a very few dollars after we get across because the Allied armies are very poorly paid and the U.S. army holds out our pay as it will not create dissatisfaction.

You should receive my insurance papers also some time. They will be sent to you by mail. Beard has my Phoenix Ins. Co. policy and it can stay there in the safe all right and it will be safe there.

I hope I can get in town tomorrow evening and am going to ask the Captain if I may go. They are very strict now about leaving as it is so near the time we are leaving.

Lila was out today and brought the little Eastman Pocket Kodak that Deva sent me. It is surely a peach and I have wanted one so long. I am mighty pleased over receiving it. I am going to put it in my clarinet case and take it over with me that way. I don't know that there is an order against taking one and I have wanted to take one.

Will close as it is almost time for the "Y" to close. We have been playing a concert and got through a few moments ago.

I will write tomorrow.

Keep your letters coming to my address here and have your return address.