November 2, 1918

Dear Folks:
Wrote you yesterday so this will be rather short but I am enclosing a little pamphlet that I picked up yesterday and I would like to have you save. It is about one of the big issues of the war - Alsace-Lorraine. I will want it when I get home.

Don't know what about getting Christmas presents. We surely can't get them here and I don't know where we will go from here or where but hope it is near some good town and so I can get a few little things to send home.

This is a real morning. Dusted out early and have first been batting around with Cliff. We took a walk and will have a rehearsal this afternoon. Think I am going to get clear out of the message center all right. I hope so. We are breaking in two new men and after they get onto it I hope to be out definitely and back with the band.

Am playing solo clarinet now as Williams is gone for awhile. We two play it when he is here. Our band will be increased to fifty pieces. We do no stretcher work except in cases of the most extreme emergency and that isn't apt to arise.

This is a pretty country here. Can look out and see mountains but they aren't so very high. Probably they would seem high if one started to climb them.

Had two letters from you dated Oct. 5 and 9th. Can't get hold of that issue of the Stars and Stripes but I saw the same thing in it and have read the order relative to bands that came direct from General Head Quarters.

Cliff and I are scrapping about Iowa and Ames. He is an Ames man and I can't see Ames for dust. Will cease and scrap it out with him.